007 Will Be Back In…

So, according to Daniel Craig, they’ll be addressing two of the three glaring omissions from the last two 007 movies in the third film in his run as James Bond.

Check it at IMDb in full, but here’s an excerpt:

“We’ve finished this story as far as I’m concerned. We’ve got a great set of bad guys. There is an organisation that we can use whenever we want to. The relationship between Bond and M is secure and Felix is secure. Let’s try and find where Moneypenny came from and where Q comes from. Let’s do all that and have some fun with it.”

So, as long as they add Q and Moneypenny and use the fucking Bond theme in the film, this one might be worth re-watching.

Hopefully they don’t bring Paul Haggis back, too.  That guy fucking sucks.

On a sidenote, one of the best portrayals of James Bond was in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: The Black Dossier.