Vaughn Gets Mad, We Get More Pics

It’s the story that just won’t die this week! First we had the first official image from X-Men: First Class released and was met with huge disappointment and skepticism that it was even legit. Then, we got a little more of the story and confirmed the image as official. But, while it appears that the photo is official, it wasn’t meant to be released and director Matthew Vaughn is none-to-pleased with the release of it. Slashfilm was contacted by the irritated director who had this to say:

“I freaked out on them yesterday. I don’t know where the hell that came from. I don’t think it’s a Fox image. It’s not a pre-approved image. When I found out, I said, what the fuck is this shit, and Fox is running around trying to figure out what happened as well. I agree. It’s like a bad photoshop, which maybe it was by someone. It didn’t reflect the movie. I was shocked when I saw it. I was like ‘Jesus Christ’…

“I’m a fan of X-Men. We’re not bastardizing X-Men, I’m trying to get them back to being whole again.

Vaughn was also kind enough to provide to more official photos for the fans to see.

Hero Complex over at the LA Times has done a lengthy write-up on the filming of First Class which I would encourage you to read. It really gives some insight to what Vaughn is up against, and a little about the direction he is trying to take this film. In the article he confirms once again that this is a prequel, not a reboot. The article does make the director appear to be quit stressed out, and even he describes himself as a “boxer against the ropes”.

The thing is, I like Vaughn, but I don’t like the studio in charge of this film, nor do I have faith in them. He is confident this film will be more than good competition for the slew of other superhero films coming out this year. I have maintained since this film was first announced that it’s not looking good for our favorite group of outsiders, and all of these images that have been released this week haven’t really changed my mind. That said, I am still curious to see a trailer, and when the movie is finally released I would love nothing more than to be proven wrong and have this be a freat X-Men film.

You can check out all five new official photos below (click the top two for high-res)!

So, what are your thoughts so far on this film after all the new images released this week and seeing what Vaughn had to say about his film? You still not impressed? Has he instilled a little faith in you? Sound off in the comments below!