TRAILER: Young Justice

Cartoon Network is debuting a new DC Animated series loosely based on the young superhero team from the ’80’s called Young Justice, and they are kicking it off with a one-hour adventure this Saturday (check your local listings)! You can check out the 6 min. trailer below, courtesy MTV.

I for one am pretty excited for this. It looks like it may be up to par with the fantastic straight to DVD DC Animated movies that have been released.

The series will focus on Robin, Superboy, Artemis, Kid Flash, Miss Martian and Aqualad as they attempt to prove that they have what it takes to become the next generation of the Justice League. Sam Register (“Batman: The Brave and the Bold”) is the executive producer with Greg Weisman (“The Spectacular Spider-Man”) and Brandon Vietti (“The Batman”) on board as producers.

When the series was first announced, the team’s roster was said to include Robin, Superboy, Artemis, Kid Flash, Miss Martian and Aqualad. It’s interesting to note that Green Arrow protege Artemis and the alien shape-shifter Miss Martian don’t appear in the trailer, though Speedy (Green Arrow’s former sidekick) has a big role.

The series will focus on Robin, Superboy, Artemis, Kid Flash, Miss Martian and Aqualad as they attempt to prove that they have what it takes to become the next generation of the Justice League. Sam Register (“Batman: The Brave and the Bold”) is the executive producer with Greg Weisman (“The Spectacular Spider-Man”) and Brandon Vietti (“The Batman”) on board as producers.