Trailer for Hulk Redux So Bad Ass it Gets it’s Own Trailer

Oh Em Gee! The  Hulk Redux – excuse me, The Incredible Hulk trailer will premier this Wednesday on MTV at 10:00 PM! The movie is to be so cool that the trailer gets it’s own trailer that is so good I got off.

Oh, who the fuck am I kidding? I will be the first to admit I’m a comic book nerd and film geek. I mean, I’m writing scathing reviews on trailers on an internet website like these assholes. However, are we so rabid and pathetic that we need trailers for our fucking trailers? Sadly, (and I’m not speaking for me, or any of the other robots on this site) the answer is yes. Our fun book loving asses have become so rabid that many of us are so eager for a taste of the movie they make they’re own, shitty, fake trailers and photoshopped images of cast members of future comic book flicks (just do a Google search for Heath Ledger Joker). I, myself, refuse to post or even direct link to them, it’s sad and pathetic. Fanboys act like they’re living in Requiem for a Dream, needing just that quick hit, hoping to score that pound of pure. Sick, sick, sick.

But, not to condemn; I am rather looking forward to the movie, I have faith in the screenwriting and acting talents of Edward Norton, regardless of underwhelming director, Louis Leterrier (of Transporter 2 fame) helming the project. And, c’mon, Tim Roth, the gut bleeding Mr. Orange of Reservoir Dogs, as The Abomination? We know he’s gonna knock it out of the park.