Valentines dealy part 2…

Another non tragic Valentines day couple! And unlike our last one, this particular couple is downright dangerous, and though some might view it as tragic, I don’t at all.

Our next in the list of Top 5 Comics couples is ….

Batman and Catwoman!

Batman and Catwoman may be the most famous comics couple after Clark and Lois, though possibly tied with Spiderman and Mary Jane.

Let’s face it. Batman is a big emotionless jerk most of the time. It takes a special kind of woman to open his heart, even a little. Catwoman is that woman.

Catwoman was introduced in the 1940’s as a foe for Batman. She was every bit his equal, non powered, but as crafty and agile as her namesake. She loved to walk on the wild side, so Batman was honor-bound to stop her. But Batman has a weakness for baaaddd girls, especially if those girls also happen to be smart, funny, badass and able to understand him better than most, as he will tell you.

Oh, shut up, Bruce, we know you love it.

Selina is smart, sexy, devious and dangerous. Bruce is an uptight badass who enjoys being a dark avenger. It’s a match made in heaven! The relationship is helped by the fact that Selina is a great character even without Bruce to play off of, and had a  darn good solo series to prove it.

The Bat and the Cat’s conflicting views on the world make their relationship interesting and exciting. After all, in a way, they are both equally valid. Bats breaks the law just as often as Selina does, as she is happy to point out.

Catwoman’s always giving Batman a run for his money, and their game of cat and mouse (heh) has high stakes. But they click so well, and are so passionate, often we find ourselves yelling “just get together already!”

Selina walks on the line between right and wrong, and hope for her redemption sprang eternal in Batman. Eventually, Selina’s path of character development graduated her from villian to anti-hero and Bruce manned up and told her his secret identity, but their relationship didn’t lose a lot of it’s intrigue. It wasn’t just the chase, but the characters that make it great. Can Selina overcome Bruce’s inability to trust? Can Bruce over come Selina’s wildcat nature? Whatever the answer, those two are a whole lotta fun!

Did I mention I liked the way the cartoon handled them? That was great fun. The relationship is known outside comics, extending to movies, cartoons and games, because everyone knows those two are awesome together.

Now, they are hardly happily married, and Batman being off somewhere and presumed dead right now, you could say it ended tragically for them, but come on, he’ll be back and the games will resume. And Paul Dini managed to give Bat/Cat fans a sort of happy ending, and heartmeltingly cute and awesome one at that.

She even called it a happy ending! Say it with me, “awwwww.”