The Sunday Funnies

Many moons ago we had a feature entitled The Sunday Funnies, and now here I am, reviving the old column, bringing you the best in webcomics around the globe.

First we start off with our old pal Garfield, or more so without Garfield.

One of the greatest comics on the web today is the amazing Garfield Minus Garfield. A webcomic dedicated to bringing you Jim Davis comics of Garfield, without the iconic cat which gives it’s namesake.

Instead of the fat cat making life a crazy experience for the sensible Jon, now we have a portrait into the life of a crazed lunatic who lives at home by himself and says things so off the wall he must be delusional.

The lunacy of Jon has taken this mediocre comic and turned it into an amazing glimpse into the life of madness.

I mean just look at what transpired in this comic, Jon all alone in his depression let’s us the audience know he’s going to do something drastic and then he disappears. Why did we not see the signs? How could we let him get this way?

Garfield Minus Garfield is a wonderful look into the psyche of Jon Arbuckle and many many more comics of this nature can be found at the website.

But wait, there’s more. If this has just wet your appetite of Garfield then I have one more stop for you to check out.

Permanent Monday

Permanent Monday is a site dedicated to the finer things within the Garfield comic. Imagine if you will you have just read a Garfield comic and you become curious about the subtle nuances between Garfield and Jon, was there a Bon Mot cleverly hidden in there that you did not find? Well Permanent Monday is here to tell you if there was. Chris Stangl explains to you everything you didn’t get in the comic and more. It hasn’t updated in quite a long time but if you haven’t read it before have a go through the archives, you’ll find quite a treasure trove of hilarity from your pals at Garfield.

So there you have it, this week’s edition of “The Sunday Funnies” stay tuned next week for my pick of the greatest webcomic on the web that is still updating regularly. And keep coming back every sunday to find out what you’ve been missing in webcomics around the world.