The Sunday Funnies: Hark! A Vagrant!

As I promised last week in the Sunday Funnies, here is my favorite webcomic that is currently still in production. Hark! A Vagrant is probably one of the smarter comics on the web and it’s the definition of a nerdy comic. Don’t believe me? Here, have a taste.

It’s History! Hark! A Vagrant is written by Canadian Kate Beaton she has a degree in History and Anthropology which comes out in her work. But the thing which sets this comic a part is it’s not just historical, it’s also really funny.

As you can see from the picture in the heading she doesn’t just do historical comics, she has some good wonder woman and aquaman comics, some amazing literature comics and ones about life now. So go give it a read, spend a couple of minutes on it and see if it doesn’t hook you like it has me.