“The Flash” To End With Issue #12

There is some possibly sad news for fans of the Scarlet Speedster today. In a short blurb on the DCU Source blog, it is stated that the current Flash series will be ending with May’s issue #12. Considering that this summer’s big DC event revolves around the Flash, it is easy to speculate that coming out of that a new series will spring forth, but right now, speculation is just that. Personally, if DC does launch a new Flash series, I hope that the direction is different enough to justify a new #1 issue. Maybe we’ll have the Wally West Flash return to prominence, or possibly due to the events of Flashpoint, Barry Allen decides to police the multiverse or something. I’d like to see a title called Flash Brigade where Flashes from all over the timeline team together to stop menaces that no one Flash could overcome. At any rate, give us your thoughts and opinions on the matter, especially since the Source blog currently doesn’t allow comments of their own.

Interesting to note (thanks to Major Spoilers for the info), The Flash #13 had already been solicited for mid-May. It is unknown if the series will just resume original numbering after the Flashpoint event, but if so, why say the series is ending?