Tee Time With Dr. Cyborg! REVIEW: The Nobody

Howdy friends, your best pal Doctor Cyborg here with another edition of Tee Time with Doctor Cyborg, in which I take the time out of my busy golfing schedule to tell you something about something that is usually not golf. Tonight……yes tonight we will be talking about “The Nobody”, while NIGHT GOLFING! fore!

So pour yourself a beer margarita and join the party:

  • 1/3 (12 fluid ounce) can frozen limeade concentrate
  • 1/2 cup tequila
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup beer
  • ice
  • 1/3 lime, cut into wedges

Before completely diving into getting started, In reply to some letters I have been receiving about my Tee Time columns I would just like to say, of course it’s okay to get a discreet hand-job while bikini golfing.

And now with the diving in. Just a few days ago, I read a graphic novel called “The Nobody” written and illustrated by a humanoid by the name of Jeff Lemire, and I’ll tell you one thing. This man is no Doctor/Lawyer, but he still makes a pretty decent comic book. The art in the book isn’t spectacular, but it definitely grows on you. (Much like the green of a cheap golf course.) In no way did I hate this book, but I will say it was a little plain to the point of being almost pointless. It doesn’t bring any original concepts to the world, and it didn’t necessarily re-hash any of the concepts particularly better than they have been done before. On the plus side it is a quick fun read, and therefore easy to recommend.

What I think this books biggest problem is, is the lack of mystery. One thing that should have been the biggest secret was given away by the name of the character by page 2 and the back cover. The other secrets just didn’t seem to hold any gravity. Once again on the plus side, it was really simple and makes you feel smart because you are guessing where it is going the whole time. Simple, but the story telling was really good, and told in a somehow compelling manner. What I mean by that is, it reveals it’s secrets in a smart way at a good pace.

If you would please forgive Slugtrons disappearance he is temporarily a blender.


It was a fun read, and it’s a stylish unique looking book. You can buy a hardcover on amazon for about 14 bucks, unfortunately it isn’t going to be released until July 7th. This book will look terrific on all of your shelves you should pre-buy your copy today.
If you like books like this I would also recommend a movie called The Fleapit Three that you can watch in it’s entirety on google videos. Why not.