Tee Time With Doctor Cyborg! American Jesus Special!

Another day, another round of golf. And this is another edition of Tee Time with Doctor Cyborg, in which I, Doctor Cyborg, talk about comic books or movies while working on my backhand. (Which is a robot golf term.) Today we will be discussing American Jesus. (The comic book, not the actor) So pour yourselves a Southern Screw (2 oz vodka, 2 oz Southern Comfort, 6 oz orange juice, Pour over ice, stir and serve.) And lets go golfing!

I read the first book of American Jesus today, titled “Chosen” Written by Mark Millar, illustrated by Peter Gross. It tells the story of a twelve year old boy named Jodie, who is apparently the reincarnated Jesus Christ. It begins while he is on the hunt for a stroke magazine. (I know it sounds a little sacrilegious, but I’m a robot for god sakes!)

He is completely unaware of his heritage, up until a semi falls on him, leaving him unscathed. The rest of the book builds up from their like a superheroes origin story. First convincing himself and then others of his birthright, learning how to use his Jesus powers.

It’s a well thought out book, told in a very Mark Millar way. It plays into what most of our conceptions of Christianity are, the virgin birth, how it flips science on it’s ear, turning water to wine, etc. One thing I really liked was when Jodie unflinchingly tells you science is wrong. But by far my favorite part was when he began to believe in himself, he tries to act more like Jesus, and give up “self dating.” It’s brilliant how they used the mythology of Christianity to make a good comic book, miracles as cliffhangers, rumors of Satan, and leaving the crucifixion in the horizon.

I thought the look of this book was sound, It had a nice water color thing going on. The panels were laid out very simply, A lot like Kick ass. Which is one of the things I appreciate the most about Mark Millar. Not that I don’t like intricate panels, I just feel that with this and Kick Ass, the concept and story are so solid, that that’s what I want to focus on, I don’t need extra stuff to distract me.

Ultimately, the best thing about this is the concept. If you are sensitive you may not like it, but it’s somewhat respectable to religion. In comparison to say Battle Pope, or even Pirate Club. (Although I hear the artist of Pirate Club edits most religious jokes out of the book.) I really enjoyed it, even though, I thought it to be a little bland for Mark Millar. In his defense, I’m used to reading Kick Ass.

Quiet for a second. If I sink this putt I will be one under Tiger Wuss. Too bad they won’t give the trophy to a robot. Damn the committee and their anti robot agenda’s!

It’s a quick read, and better than most the books I pick up.The first volume contains the first three chapters, and if you are anything like me, it will leave you wanting to read more. So I say Amen to American Jesus! And hallelujah to robot bikini golfing! until next time.