SUPERBOWL: Captain America!

UPDATE: Marvel has an embedded version:

And you can read the first part of their new Captain America movie tie-in webcomic.

Also read the first issue of CAPTAIN AMERICA: FIRST VENGEANCE, the official comic book tie-in to the film, online for FREE right now at!

So, we have our first look at Captain America.

Holy shit.

I think this just made my brain explode.

Yahoo has the exclusive on it here. Go and watch it.

These are the first moving images of the film and our first glimpse at The Red Skull, and… I’m just having a hard time putting words together. This really blew me away. I can’t wait for this film to come out. This is going to be a great summer.

And it looks like Chris Evans really has nailed the part. And Stanley Tucci looks great, as well as Hugo Weaving and… just… Everything about this looks incredible. It was really great to see both the emaciated Steve Rogers and the Serum version as well. It looks like Joe Johnston is going to knock this out of the park.

And is it just me or is it eerie how this is perfectly the Red Skull, but so clearly Hugo Weaving? It think he may ACTUALLY be The Red Skull…

Thanks to Egg Fou for the screen shot.  He’s a stand up guy.

So say we all?

(And in case you missed it, here is the trailer for Thor!)