Spider-Man 4 Casting News

 Spider-Man 3

Did Peter and MJ make a baby in this scene?

To start off, a few days ago we posted a rumor/news story that Rachel McAdams was in the running for Black Cat in Spider-Man 4. Of course, since no one knows for sure if Black Cat will even be in Spider-Man 4, this was questionable at best. Well, sure enough, Miss McAdams debunked the rumor herself:

From Entertainment Weekly: “That’s a total rumor, I have to say,” the actress, who will next be seen in the Dec. 25 action-adventure tentpole Sherlock Holmes, tells EW. “I was hanging out in Toronto the other day and someone came up to me and said, ‘I just heard you’re doing Spider-Man 4.‘ And I said, ‘Really? No one told me!’ It’s not true.” A rep for Sony Pictures concurs: “It’s an Internet rumor, as so many things are these days.”

So, there you go, as of right now, just a rumor.

Also on the Spider-Man 4 casting rumor front, Spoilertv.com is saying there apparently has been a casting call put out for a “2 or 3 year old boy to play 2 year old, Caucasian with RED HAIR, an adorable toddler with an engaging personality, on set experience preferred. IDENTICAL TWINS ONLY.”

Spoiler TV jumps to the conclusion that this could be MJ and Peter’s baby, but they are admittedly not “experts” on the Spider-Man story. Those of you who do know a lot about Spider-Man lore, you know that in an alternate universe, MJ and Peter do end up having a baby girl who later becomes Spider-Girl. But in the continuity that I am assuming the Spider-Man movies are following, MJ lost the baby during the events of the much hated “Clone Saga” -which, I know, doesn’t and probably never will happen in the movies, but my point is, they don’t have a kid. Does this mean that it isn’t their kid? No, but I highly doubt all of a sudden the two are going to have a child in the fourth installment, especially since they had a kind of giant step backwards in their relationship in Spider-Man 3. I just don’t see them going in that direction.

The other conclusion that is being drawn by “fans” is that it could be a young Cletus Cassiday -who later grows up to be Carnage. This is stupid. If you honestly think this, you’re obviously not paying attention to what has been going on with these movies on the screen and behind the scenes. Let’s break it down: Sam Raimi has been given more control over this fourth installment; he never wanted Venom in the third one, that was more of a push from the Avi Arad and the studio; people hated the Venom story arc in the third one, do you think fans really want to see another debacle? That all said I just don’t see Raimi going the direction of another symbiote villain storyline.

As far as my opinion on the matter goes, I think the boy will be one of two people: A random kid Spider-Man saves. Or, Doctor Connors son. He does have a wife and kid in the comics, and while their is no mention of them so far in the movies, it doesn’t mean they don’t exist. I would certainly add another dynamic if Peter has to throw down with Doctor Connors as The Lizard while simultaneously not kicking his ass too hard because it’s really his friend and protecting his wife and kid from him (or protecting the identity of the Lizard from them).

I just don’t see them throwing a kid (let alone a toddler kid) into the mix at this point.