REVIEW: Wolverine # 70 – Seriously guys. Holy shit – Seriously.

Wolverine #70

Story by: Mark Millar

Art By: Steve McNiven/Dexter Vines

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Release Date: Friday, January 2nd 2009

Cover Price: $2.99

Seemingly overrated at times, more often than not overexposed – in the hands of Mark Millar and Steve McNiven, we are reminded that Wolverine may be the most perfectly constructed character ever to dawn a neon unitard.

In short, if you miss out on Old Man Logan, you ma’am or sir, are a God damned moron and you should stop reading comics forever. I’ve sang it praises in the past, citing it’s expert setups and pacing, it’s unique atmosphere and timeline, the jaw dropping artwork and any number of other strengths – but all of that aside – let us ask, why do we spend so much time, energy and money on comic books and related items in the first place?

It’s because for some unknown reason we all simply yearn to see dudes in neon spandex beat the Hell from one another, and Jesus Christ – Wolverine #70 scratches that itch until it bleeds. Emphasis on the bleeding part… actually, the scratching part as well.

For the last 4 issues, the major question hanging over the heads of the readers is: Why has Logan vowed never to pop the claws and never to harm another living soul?  Additionally, how and why would Mark Millar of all people neuter the most bad ass butcher in the entire Marvel Universe and would it make any sense?  Would we still love and respect Wolverine as we all do at the end of the day if he were a pacifist – and moreover, would we believe it?

All these questions and more are answered in Wolverine #70, with downright shocking horror and gore, matched with deeply heartfelt and pure emotion – A true tribute to the strength of the often marginalized medium of modern, mainstream comics. With 3 issues left in the arc, my expectations are through the roof, fully expecting multiple nerd-gazms in the coming months.

Stop bitching about late shipping and go out and pick these up. Worth the money, worth the wait and worth whatever shred of gratitude your tiny fanboy heart can muster.

(Editors Note: Expect to see a preview of this book by morning.)