REVIEW: True Believers #2

True Believers #2
By Cary Bates
Published by Marvel Comics
Release Date: August 20, 2008

The TRUE BELIEVERS…a covert group of counter-culture subversives—so-called “warriors of the information age”—who have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of the truth at all costs. Led by a mystery woman known as PAYBACK, they pit their unique powers and abilities against any government, organization, group or individual that traffics in secrets or lies, cover-ups or conspiracies.

In my search for something somewhat different, new, and original from Marvel, I came across the series True Believers. Essentially, this is a comic about a group of “Super-Bloggers” if you will, and they kind of do the TMZ thing, but instead of dishing up dirt on celebs, its superheroes they target. Issue one was interesting enough, and issue two is diving into the psyche of the leader of the True Believers, Payback, via her session with her psychologist. This issue was pretty fun in the beginning, especially since it starts with Mr. Fantastic being arrested for a DUI in the Fantasticar, but as it goes on, the paparazzi-esque bloggers take a turn for the good and help Mr. Fantastic prove his innocence.

True Believers Interior

This is Issue #2 of a 5 part series, and I will probably see it through to the end, if nothing else for curiosity. I don’t exactly get what Marvel is trying to do with True Believers, at first it seemed to be taking a stab at online paparazzi bloggers, but already they have made them into semi-good guys with 3 issues to go, we’ll see what happens and what the end result is. I am giving this limited series an extremely mild recommendation, it’s nothing I would run out and buy immediately, but if your hold at your local comic shop is a little thin and you can drop the extra $3, pick it up and give it a shot.