REVIEW: Superman: World of New Krypton #2

No animals were harmed in the making of this comic!

I’ve actually been rather enjoying the Superman: World of New Krypton mini so far. It could turn out to be another anti-climatic runaround like the previous New Krypton arc turned into, but so far it’s been very solid.

Perhaps my enjoyment is because instead of ineffectually protesting and twiddling his thumbs worriedly like he did most of the New Krypton arc, Superman is taking a proactive role in becoming part of the developing planet, and slowly but surely, trying to teach his fellows not be such, well, jerks.

I really like the examination of Kryptonian culture we’re getting, with the different guilds that are very must like a caste system, and seeing a lot of the artwork and culture of Krypton. I like Alura explaining to Kal how one of the artist’s guild could become a scientist, it was interesting.

But better is seeing Superman teach and lead his fellow soldiers. He does not tolerate treating animals badly (which as an animal lover, I like to see, even if these animals look like nothing on Earth) and when the Kryptonians are faced with a problem and their answer is to KILL the rampaging heard of animals before they destroy such and such, Kal comes up with a creative and clever solution to stop them, teaching his soldiers to reason and not be so quick to violence.

It’s not over the top or hokey, but it really showcases Kal’s morality, kindness and most of all how clever and creative he is. It shows why, even among a thousand people with his powers, he is the true “Super”man out of all of them.

There was also an appearance by Supergirl, and Alura acting like a human being for once, which was very nice.

And Pete Woods drew the heck out of this. He did a great job with the different people and the Kryptonian landscape and flora and fauna. Very detailed, and very pretty.

So, I  reccomend this issue. With the team of Rucka, Robinson and Woods, it’s not surprising it’s very good stuff.