REVIEW: Supergirl:Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade #1

The scoop on Supergirl!

Written by Landry Q. Walker

Art by Eric Jones

Awww. That’s all I can say. Awwww.
On a scale of one to adorable, this is adorable. And a very positive comic for young girls.

I’ve been looking for a comic to lend my cousins- one is three and one is six. Both, thanks to our wonderfully sexist movie franchises, are unaware girl superheroes exist. I though Tiny Titans might be good (since it has girls in it), but a little confusing with the many characters  (though I plan to make a gift of that too, it’s been arriving in my mail ever since Teen Titans Go! was canceled) but this is even more perfect.

The comic starts with Lex Luthor doing something involving a giant robot, bragging only a rocket from another dimension could break it! Immedieately a Supergirl’s rocket comes flying through it, and Supergirl is ejected, horrified to find she can see through everyone’s clothes.

The comic continues in that fun, light tone. As you can imagine this being a kids book, Supergirl’s parents aren’t dead, but her reason for being there is pretty funny. It shows her as impulsive and sort of foolish, just normal for a thirteen year old girl. This is a flawed character, she doesn’t know anything about earth, and doesn’t fit in at her new school at all. But she’s very relatable, because who hasn’t been able to fit in? Who wasn’t thirteen and stupid?

And she’s very funny. And Superman is in the book, and unlike, well, a lot of stories involving regular Supergirl (mostly Silver Age ones) he is not a jerk. In fact, the comic ends on a very sweet note thanks to an idea from him.

The art is perfect for the book, very cartoony and expressive. Kara does appear to be a late bloomer, physically, if she’s supposed to be around 12 or 13, but that’s plausible enough. And yay for a PRACTICAL Supergirl costume! And she looks darn cute in it too!

That said, I reccomend this book wholeheartedly to any little girl or boy, and older ones too, if you want a fun and entertaining comic to read!