REVIEW: Star Wars: Legacy TPB Vol. 1: Broken

Star Wars Legacy: Broken is the first collected volume of Dark Horse’s “Legacy” series.

Set 130 years after the events of Return of the Jedi, Legacy follows the last surviving heir of the Skywalker family, a smuggling pirate known only as Cade. The Sith have once again taken over the galaxy and purged the Jedi and there’s one thing left that can save the galaxy, and it’s a Skywalker.

The Sith have abandoned the rule of two, leaving hundreds roaming the galaxy and what few Jedi there are left are struggling to survive. It’s the Dark Times all over again, only darker.

It’s written and drawn quite capably by Star Wars comics mainstays John Ostrander and Jan Duursema. Don’t let Adam Hughes’ cover art worry you, Cade Skywalker is not actually white trash. He’s more of a Solo than a Skywalker, brash but somehow darker. Addicted to death sticks, he works his hardest to cut himself off from the Force. The story is well rendered, well-colored and extremely well told. This is the Star Wars universe that I think people wanted to see instead of the prequels. It’s dark and brooding and makes Palpatine’s Order 66 look like a walk in the park.

I found the first part of this new era in Star Wars to be supremely engaging and quite the page turner. And I was pleasantly surprised to see the ghost of Luke Skywalker haunting his great-great-grand-whatever (their relationship hasn’t been made crystal clear yet).

I’ve been avoiding the Star Wars Expanded Universe for a long time, and I’ve slowly been eased back into the game with the Legacy of the Force series and now this new comic book series, I feel like they’ve established quite a continuity. In fact, I feel like having read the Legacy of the Force series I had a better handle on how this universe was created. Sure, there are gaps in the history, but this world was carefully crafted with everything that had come before it fully in mind.

This is the future of the Star Wars galaxy and I like it. A lot.

As far as my verdict on this book, I think you could do very well reading this book. I’ve passed it around to a few people who were fans as rabid about Star Wars as I am and friends who weren’t, and both camps came away with a solid level of enjoyment.

Click here to get it from Amazon.