REVIEW : Spidey Meets the President!

I admittedly am very excited to have Barack Obama become the next president of the United States, but before reviewing this comic I would like to submit a question to the robots. Does someone becoming president in it’s rawness, constitute a plot for a comic book?

Well since it’s now a comic book, I would hope that it does.


In this six page back up Peter Parker is sent to cover the presidential inauguration. This doesn’t sound so good so far, but then some really F^c$ed up S#!t goes down! And then Spider-man comes to the rescue! He needs to be Spider-man because there are two Barack Obama’s! The second one turns out to be the Chameleon! Spider-man punches him! Chameleon gets arrested! It is riddled with stupid presidential puns like “secretary of shuttin’ you up!”
This is exactly what you would think it would be. Which is both boring and useless. There wasn’t an instance of thinking outside the box or something an eight year old couldn’t have thought up. This is not worth reading! it was boring! The only person that should be excited about thus book is Barack Hussein Obama himself. Just for a minute I wish Barack Obama was Muslim so that we could have seen some beheading.  Or maybe Barack could have thrown the winning punch or even the super villain they had to shut down could have been George Bush.

Anything except the Chameleon getting punched by Spider-man and then arrested while Obama watches and says presidential things.

I might be being a little extreme about this comic, but the reason it’s so frustrating is because you have an idea that you aren’t allowed to stray from the formula. It’s not afraid of showing teeth, it is simply not allowed to. They can’t do anything that would make it interesting or shocking. It was made for the sake of being made, it doesn’t do anything for anyone. This is a complete waste.

This is the comic equivalent of the bridge to nowhere! –Slugtron