REVIEW: Sam and Twitch: The Writer

Thanks to Image Comics for the review copy.

Sam and Twitch brings out a part of the Spawn universe that I feel was ignored far too often. Seeing as I’m one of the few Spawn readers that doesn’t wear clown face paint and drink Faygo I’ve been pushed toward Sam and Twitch by the other bots, (probably hoping to rid me of my Spawn problem.)

The writer brings forward some of my favorite parts of any serial-killer drama. They spend time investigating what makes the killer tick, and spend a great amount of time discussing the use of graphological analysis in solving murder cases that involve writing. I have no way of knowing how accurate the information provided was, but it added a very interesting twist into the story as they follow the killer from victim to victim. And true to Images darker vibe, the gritty feel of the world Sam and Twitch live in complete with: drug dealers, prostitutes, homeless, and church members wanting to “save the helpless”. Helps keep you feverishly turning pages wanting to know where each character is headed.

Keeping true to his attitude in the Spawn world Sam is cranky, hateful, and hell bent on solving the case put in front of him, while Twitch is cool, collected, and 100% precision. I really enjoyed the way the dynamic between the two characters is leveraged to make you like the characters that much more.

Overall the story is a solid crime drama, with a predictable ending, that leaves you satisfied. Sometimes a happy ending fits a story, and in the case of the writer, it fits exceptionally well. I recommend finding a local comic shop and picking this title up, it’s an interesting and easy read, with no commitment to buy an issue monthly.

Score: 4/5