Review: NYX: No Way Home #5

A mini even Marvel beginners can enjoy!


Relatively, I’m a Marvel beginner. I know a LOT more about it than the average Joe, and I’ve read all of Runaways. But I’m not a regular. And I’m finding it hard to find a good entry point, a series I can get into without buying a thousand back issues.

The NYX series, however, is a fantastic mini you don’t need any previous experience to understand. Clearly the characters have continuity (from a previous NYX series), but you catch on to their histories, powers and personalities fairly quickly.

Though you don’t have to find the back issues on these characters, you want to. The characters are engaging, distinct and diverse. It’s really rare to find well written teenagers in comic books- or well written teenagers period, actually. But Marjorie Liu nails it. Her characters feel real and don’t have random out-of-date slang thrown into their speech. They act like scared kids while still being smart young adults.

The situation the characters are in is also dangerous and intriguing. It involves ghosts, kidnapping and the kids search for their benefactor, Palmer. The plot moves along nicely as Kiden (a member of the team with nifty time stopping-ish powers) is put into an unwinnable situation and the kids are captured by a mysterious person and a not-so-mysterious one. The plot thickens.

I also love the art. The colors are clear, everyone is drawn well and with normal proportions, and it’s just pretty. There’s also some really nice extras, penciled pages and character designs. My only complaint is Kiden’s black eye randomly dissapears halfway through the issue.

I whole heartedly reccomend this. Pick it up!