REVIEW: Marvel Zombies 3

Marvel Comics has provided us with a preview of this book for the following review:

When the Marvel Zombie universe began in the pages of Ultimate Fantastic Four (written by Mark Millar) I felt there was something at stake, being based in a universe that some of us care about. The zombies were  well written and clever, also there were zombies. This comic book was rad. (Although I hate to give more credit to Mark Millar, because that’s what about 20% of posts on this site already do………)

Then Kirkman came along and gave us “Marvel Zombies”. I liked this book, but immediately realized it was pulp, but it was my pulp. It was maybe as good as it could be, but lacked the build-up needed that Fantastic Four had, to make it great.

Then came “Marvel Zombies 2” Kirkman stuck to his chops, and continued the story that I had hoped ended forever. At this point we are beating a dead horse. There was some cool stuff in this book, I liked the idea zombies being able to wait out their hunger, but ultimately it wasn’t worth reading.

Now we stand at the crossroads where we buried the dead horse and guess what? As expected we have an undead zombie horse on the loose that marvel clearly intends to kill several more times.


It begins with a proclamation, we aren’t on the zombie universe we are on the Marvel Universe!!!!! Wow, now I’m excited for the series again?

So a group of future super heroes are attacked by zombies. This is a paint by numbers kind of book, they kill a few characters that no one cares about. Most of this book is dedicated to explaining how the zombies got to the real universe, and then how dangerous it could be if it spreads.

My favorite line in this book would have to be “Healing Factor This!” which I think speaks for itself.

There was a cliffhanger end of this book, and I don’t think it would be a spoiler to say that it sticks to it’s paint by number chops and goes for the “It’s a trap!” approach. Overall I am sick that I read it, it brings absolutely nothing new to the world of comic books, and I don’t think it’s good at all. *1 out of 156 stars!

*I am awarding it one star out of sheer principle, because in the real world you so rarely have a book that has zero redeemable quality’s, which makes it a rarity, and therefore earned one star.

I’m Doctor Cyborg, and I prescribe this book to you if you are suicidal. How bad could it really be?