REVIEW: Li’l Depressed Boy #3

We’ve gone ON and ON about this title and we’re back for issue 3.

I wanted to enjoy this issue as much as the previous two but it was not to be.

If anything can be classified as “hipster” to me it’s the opening scene of this issue. A rag doll sitting in front of a thrift store listening to the folk/punk of Andrew Jackson Jihad while musical notes dance around his head screams HIPSTER! LOOK AT ME! I FEEL!

LDB is still in the presence of weird girl and she seems to have total control over him. His personality is a pushover when it comes to her and she can steer him wherever she wants.

LDB is tricked into attending a Hipster party where he points fingers and trash talks the people around him with another party goer. He brings a very thoughtful gift and we get a knock on the door to break up the party and lead us to the next issue.

Along with other BSR staffers, I really enjoyed the first two offerings but this hit a sour note. LDB’s interaction with others leaves me scratching my head wondering why people like him, or why he’s depressed. There are, of course, no answers to these questions.

I have not read any of the online content and wonder if we’ll see a transformation from rag doll to “real boy” or perhaps, everyone around LDB transforms into rag doll’s.

I hope issue #4 gives me a li’l more insight into LDB or I might comb my hair over my forehead and slink away with my hands in my pocket.

The Li’l Depressed Boy #3 is in stores now
Image Comics