REVIEW: Franken-Castle #21

Attention: minor spoilers (nothing you can’t handle)

Rick Remender, the mad man that took your favorite vigilante, chopped him up and sowed him back together as the abomination known as Franken-Castle is bringing the story full circle. After being hunted by the Legion of Monsters, this issue finds Franken-Castle on monster island with a magical stone embedded in his chest supposedly healing him. Dan Brereton’s wonderful ‘painted’ art style brings all the strange monsters to life and gives Frank a grizzled, Emo, Long John Silver look as he hacks through the jungle.

The fanboy outrage over Franken-Castle has been strong, but the book continues to sell and now the fun is staring over. Remender has mentioned many times that Frank Castle is a part of the Marvel Universe, where college students are bitten by radioactive spiders and chased by flying goblins. Why should the Punisher have to live in his own world endlessly chasing mobsters and punishing criminals?

The eight page back up story catches up with the Punisher in his classic costume (white gloves and boots!) a few weeks after escaping monster island. Is he completely healed, or is he still a mangled monster?

Pencils & Cover DAN BRERETON
in shops 9/29/10

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