REVIEW: Ender’s Game #1

Ender’s Game is one of the most successful science fiction series of the eighties. Of course, I say this without having actually read it or ever having discussed it with anyone or even knowing a damn thing about it. I suppose I’d heard of it before, but I can’t really say that with any certainty.

Having read this introductory issue I’d say that there is a lot of potential for the comic series. The lead character is intriguing and the world is not overly complicated or hard to get into. There is a bit of lingo that is never clearly explained, but for the most part the meanings can be inferred. Certainly part of the charm is having all the elements of the story come together and finally make sense. While it was a lot of setup and not much action there’s really no other way for a quality story to begin. A solid foundation, so to speak. The art wasn’t really my style but it seemed well matched with the subject matter and was executed cleanly and consistently.

Overall I wasn’t completely bowled over but there are aspects that piqued my curiosity. I cannot guarantee that I would actively seek out and purchase the next issue but I am definitely interested to see how the story will develop.