In September of 2013, Rainfall Films released a live action Wonder Woman short film that blew my mind. The short, which was directed by Sam Balcomb, became immensely popular and widely praised, and in less than a year has amassed over five million hits on YouTube.
But the Wonder Woman short is merely a cherry on top of the awesome icing which rests upon the ridiculously fun cupcake that is Rainfall’s resume. The company provides contracted production services, post-production and mastering, visual effects, sound design and mastering, and motion graphics in addition to producing it’s own content, and now they’re looking to outsource from a sea of untapped potential: The Fandom.
Until June 30, 2014, Rainfall will be cataloging your ideas for its next project. What might that project be? it’s up to you; a commercial, a faux-trailer, a short film, anything. Per their press release, adaptation sources can range from comics, video games, and Babylonian poetry. Well “challenge accepted” says me, and so my ideas are as follows:
- The Milk and Cheese “Merv Griffin” strip.
- The Folgers commercial. You know the one.
- Whatever’s going on here.
- An X-Files/Scooby Doo crossover.
- A re-shoot of the ending of “The Deathly Hallows” and for the love of all that’s holy PUT DUDLEY ON THE PLATFORM.
- Skyrim. Something Skyrim-y. I don’t care. Because if Rainfall makes it, it will be awesome.
My suggestions are here solely for the chuckles, but you can submit your ideas on this form. If you’ve ever dreamed of making a fan video but felt you were without the resources, now’s your chance to make history. Spend some time on Rainfall’s site, check out my favorites below, and get your submissions in before June 30th!
On April Fool’s Day of 2008, IGN and Rainfall released a Zelda trailer that pretty much broke the internet:
And then there’s this one that still makes me daydream spec scripts while I should be working:
You can check out their full resume and a showreel here.