POLL: How Excited Are You For ‘X-Men: First Class’?!


With opening day just a few days away, reviews for the anticipated prequel to the X-Men movie franchise are starting to slowly roll in and critics seem to be very pleased with Matthew Vaughn’s foray into the X-Men Universe. FOX has been pushing this film pretty hard by releasing several trailers, tons of movie posters and more recently, featurettes and clips to give the fans a better idea of what to expect with this film.

Here at BSR! the field is pretty split, and excitement levels vary from one side of the spectrum to the other. Arse-bot is still very apprehensive, while Swank-mo-tron has been on board since before the first trailer even hit – with the rest of the bots’ anticipation levels falling everywhere in between.

Now, with opening day just around the corner, we want to know how excited all of you, our faithful readers, are for this film! Cast your vote in the poll below and feel free to leave a comment as to why you are or aren’t stoked to see X-Men: First Class this Friday!