Marvel to Adapt Ender’s Game


Newsarama is reporting that Marvel will be adapting Orson Scott Card’s crowning achievement, Ender’s Game, into graphic novel format.

I’m a little conflicted about this. I’ve read the book about a dozen times and have some pretty specific ideas in my head about how it should look and I’m not sure I want to see what anyone else has to say about it. And the art they released with the announcement (pictured above) isn’t exactly instilling me with confidence either.

I would, however, be interested in a movie, but if I’m going to spend the time investment reading the story of Ender’s Game, I’d much rather do it the old fashioned way. And it’s not like it needs to be dumbed down and drawn for kids, either. And there’s two reasons for that: 1) Kids don’t read comics anyway and 2) the book is already pretty damn accessible to anyone over the age of 9.

Having said all that, I really respect and generally admire Orson Scott Card and I hope this works out.