Marvel Preview Friday 10/10

Each week, Marvel is kind enough to provide us with a pile of comics for early preview and review. Every Friday we bring you previews of a few select comics from what Marvel sends us. Enjoy this weeks Marvel previews!

Astonishing X-Men #27
The X-Men are back on track with a new look, a new locale, and a new resolve as a team. But the next challenge that faces them will shake each member to the core! This title has been great! Watch for a review from me on Monday!

Guardians of the Galaxy #6
The Guardians are trying their damndest to figure out the skrull infiltration amongst their ranks, but after the dust settles will the team stay intact? This is an underrated title that is certainly worth checking out… I mean, come on, there’s a bad-ass, gun-toting space raccoon!

Mighty Avengers #19
Mighty Avengers and Secret Invasion marches on! Of course, so much of this can be traced back to the Kree/Skrull war and in this issue the lives of Captain Mar-Vell and Marvel Boy will greatly affect the events of Invasion and shape the future of the Mighty Avengers!

Moon Knight #23
Osborn and the Thunderbolts have been instructed to bring in Moon Knight and have thus far come up empty handed. But now, does Osborn have a full proof plan? Her certainly has the muscle and the numbers, but what he doesn’t know? Moon Knight is not alone… Swank and I are fans of Moon Knight, so here’s to hoping this issue is better than the last one.

Ultimate Origins #5
This is it folks. The Watchers finally speak! And you won’t want to miss what they have to say about the future of the Ultimate Universe! This has been a great series I think, but you can see what Clang! Boom! Steam! has to say about it in his review in a few days!

That’s it for this week bots! You can pick up all of these titles plus a lot more on Wednesday, Oct. 15!