Marvel Preview Friday 09/26

Each week, Marvel is kind enough to provide us with a pile of comics for early preview and review. Every Friday we bring you previews of a few select comics from what Marvel sends us. Enjoy this weeks Marvel previews!

Cable #7
Bishop travels back to the present in search of information that will help him track down Cable and the mutant baby, only, he runs into a little road block known as X-Force! Cyclops wants him alive, but Bishop just might have one more trick up his sleeve…

Civil War: House of M #2
The chronicle of Magneto’s rise to power continues in Civil War: House of M #2. Along with others who have joined his ranks, Charles Xavier has aided in Magneto’s cause! Will their differences make them enemies as it did in our universe, or will it form an unstoppable alliance?

Punisher War Journal #24
With the earth’s mightiest heroes occupied by Secret Invasion Rampage decides it’s time to make his move. He’s seeking revenge on Tony Stark, S.H.E.I.L.D., and anyone else who has ever crossed him… Including Frank Castle.

Sub Mariner: The Depths #2
Don’t miss the latest offering from the Marvel Knights line! As a legendary sea explorer goes in search of a missing expedition in the Marianes Trench he finds someone… something that has been waiting for him: The vengeful Namor!

Venom: Dark Origin #3
“Amid the chaos, there comes a costume!” Eddie continues to free fall to his own darkness and Spider-Man shows up with a new, mysterious black costume from the Secret Wars! Check out this mini-series I have been enjoying and check back on Sunday for a review of the latest installment!

And that wraps up this weeks Marvel previews! Of course, all titles listed here will be hitting the shelves at your local comic shop on Wednesday! Enjoy!