UPDATE: Marvel Preview Friday 09/19

Greetings all! My apologies but there will be no Marvel Preview this week. Due to a lack of selection and a virus getting into my main systems leading to me having to recharge my power cells for longer than usual I will be unable to get them up this week.

However, fear not readers! I am sure we will have some good REVIEWS (including DD #111) up for you this Sunday, so be sure to check back then!

Arse-Bot out!

UPDATE: It appears we have our Marvel titles in at last! I will try to get some previews up for you all by tomorrow!

Also, it has been brought to my attention that apparently that tool Ryan Seacrest uses a similar sign-off as me (or, I guess I inadvertently used his). While I am still wondering how some of my fellow bots knew this bit of information, I will cease to use this “sign-off” none-the-less.