Marvel Digital Comics On Sale, Thanks to Thor!

Greetings mortals! Have you become enamored with the Mighty Thor, thanks to yon celluloid exploits? The noble warriors at Marvel Digital Comics are offering a bargain that humbles e’en the God of Thunder! From this moment until the last day of the month you Midgardians call May, yon yearly subscriptions can be had at 30% off regular price! Zounds! The Odinsword itself could deliver no finer a cut! Such a pittance for over 9,000 comic books!

Thanks, Thor, for that rousing endorsement. It’s true, too. Just click on the image below, and make a note of the promo code when you sign up. I personally think this is a pretty good deal. Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited is a big help to me, when I need source material for my Secret Origins columns. And if you are wanting to get into Thor, Marvel DCU is a good bet. Not only can you follow the earliest exploits on Thor, Loki, Odin, Sif and the whole Asgard gang, you also get critically acclaimed runs like the famous Walt Simonson mega-arc! You can also get some ancillary titles like the Balder the Brave mini series and the Loki mini series. That’s just the tip of the iceberg, you can also follow the exploits of the X-Men, Fantastic Four, Iron Man, and Spider-Man!

Here’s the ad itself, just click on it and start your reading adventure, or something!