LOST News from Comic Con

Swank-mo-tron is lurking the floors of Comic Con as we speak and we here at BSR! HQ are trying to bring you the news as quickly as possible. Swank has video of the LOST Panel that we will post early next week once he gets back.

Swank just got out of the LOST Panel at Comic Con and here are some of the highlights:

  • There was a Mr. Clucks commercial starring Hurley, talking about getting back from Australia
  • Video of Kate on America’s Most Wanted, featuring hints that her dad may not be as dead as we all thought… she may have blown up someone else other than her dad.
  • Josh Holloway, Jorge Garcia, Dominic Monaghan, Damon Lindelof were all on the panel
  • There will be no flash backs or flash forwards this season
  • We will see Richard Alpert’s origin and may have something to do with the Black Rock
  • At the end of the panel, they showed a montage of all the characters who have died, Charlie was last person they showed in mongtage, then he showed up and pretty much just said “Hi.”, then the panel ended.
  • There will be no resolution to the Seagull Claire sent off with note
  • It was also revealed that Jacob has never appeared on the island in the form of another character

Also, it was revealed that on the LOST Season 5 DVD/Blu-ray, there will be a DHARMA Initiative 6 part documentary that was shot like an old ’80’s investigative documentary.

On a final note, the panel stated that everyone should be extremely pleased with how LOST finally ends…