Li’l Depressed Boy Sells Out!

We here at BSR! Have expressed our love for S. Steven Struble and Sina Grance’s Li’l Depressed Boy multiple times in the last couple of months, and it seem you guys agree with us! Image just let us know that Li’l Depressed Boy #1 has sold out and a second printing is coming. This is awesome for anyone who missed out. In fact, run to your local shop tomorrow and pick up LDB #2, and say, “Hey Mr. Shopkeep! This is a fine publication, will you order my the awesome first issue’s reprint as well?” While it’s possible he may criticize your cadence, he won’t refuse you, and you’ll have two awesome issues instead of the just the one.

For those of you not in the know, Li’l Depressed Boy has actually been around for about a decade, so this success is long deserved.  The creators themselves are a bit taken aback as well.

From Struble:

“We’ve been working on the The Li’l Depressed Boy for a long time.  All this love really fills our hearts and proves the hard work was worth it.”
And from Grace:
“If someone were to tell me that the book not only sold out as fast as it did, but also warranted a second printing, I would have called them a mean liar. I still cannot believe the tremendous support we’ve received from fans, retailers, and more so than ever: Image Comics!”
The one thing I think I enjoy about small press/indie books like this is the obvious care that are put into them. The guys behinf this title are doing it for the love, so the least you can do is float them a couple bucks and pick up their book. If you’re still wondering what the heck LDB is all about, check out the website!
THE LI’L DEPRESSED BOY #2 (JAN110610), a 32-page full color indie romance comic for $2.99, will be in stores on March 9, 2011. THE L’IL DEPRESSED BOY #1 Second Printing (JAN118081) will be available again in stores on March 23, 2011.