‘LEGO Batman Be-Leaguered’ Animated Special on Cartoon Network 10/27

Cartoon Network is airing the latest LEGO Batman television special “Batman Be-Leaguered” on Monday, October 27. The animated movie is the latest in the LEGO programs on Cartoon Network, which have included Star Wars and DC Comics characters. 



It looks like this is a sequel of sorts to the awkwardly titled “LEGO Batman: The Movie – DC Super Heroes Unite” released in 2013. This plot follows Superman and the other members of the Justice League as they try to recruit Batman into their club. It’s essentially a commercial for the lineup of Justice League LEGO sets coming this winter, but with the humor and fun LEGO uses in their productions, it’s sure to be fun for kids or adult fans of either LEGO or DC Comics. 


Personally, I’m more excited for the DVD/Blu-Ray release, which is sure to have an exclusive minifigure. Last year it was a great Clark Kent–hopefully it’ll be someone as cool this time around. 


LEGO Batman: Be-Leaguered, Cartoon Network. Monday, October 27. Check local listings for times.