Karl Rove VS. Harvey Dent

I received a phone call from an election survey today tracking my feelings about Harvey Dent. The questions on the poll, however, were Rovian in nature. (You can read more about real “Karl Rove” sorts of push polls here.)

Harvey Dent’s opponents took this play directly out of the Republican play book. It starts with an innocuous enough question, “How do you feel about Harvey Dent?”

And then each question gets slightly more absurd. “If you knew Harvey Dent had ties to criminals, how would you feel about him then?”

“…hadn’t file income taxes in four years”

“…if he’d been committed to a mental institution?”

And then to wrap it up, they ask once more how you feel about Harvey Dent.

The scariest thing about this poll is that it’s a solid case of art imitating life. The scarier part of that? That shit like this works on real people about real people.

Don’t believe me? Take the poll yourself. Call (877) 777-6197

(Also, why the hell hasn’t Marvel started any of this with Hulk and/or Wolverine? And wouldn’t a Hulk/Wolverine movie be rad?)