How I could have saved Spider-Man 3

Spider-Man Mystique

There are a lot of reasons Spider-Man 3 didn’t work as well as it could have. Or rather, should have. I’m going to share with you three steps that could have saved the movie:

Step One: Eliminate Venom from the script.
Seriously. I know a lot of people wanted to see him on the big screen, hell, I thought it was exciting. The problem is that Venom’s back story is pretty hefty. I’d say almost as much as Harry’s, if not more. They could have kept the symbiote and Eddie in 3, but left out Venom. Maybe have a cliff hanger ending. The clock tower scene would have made a great ending. Especially if they had filmed 3 and 4 together (like originally planned) and had 4 come out that fall.

Step Two: Write Mysterio into the script.
Some would say Spider-Man 3’s biggest downfall was too many villains. I don’t think this was the case at all. If any superhero deals with 10 different bad guys while trying to bring home Aunt May’s dinner before it gets cold, it’s Spider-Man. He has a plethora of great B rated villains: Shocker, Vulture, Mysterio… They could be 20 minute bit parts trying to stop Peter while he’s going from point A to B.

Why Mysterio, you might ask?

Step 3: Cast Bruce Campbell as Mysterio.
For those of you who don’t know who Bruce Campbell is, shame on you. He’s the greatest B movie actor on the planet. He’s had small parts in Spider-Man 1 and 2, so giving him a bigger part in 3 would be awesome. Mysterio is a special effects expert turned to the dark side. His costume is ridiculous, and so are most of his capers. What better villain/actor for comic relief just after Harry breaks up Pete and MJ?

I’m sure a lot of people would have their own ideas for the perfect Spider-Man 3. Although, I don’t think many of them could argue that mine would have been better than what we got.

Tomorrow: Swank-mo-tron gives his opinion on how Spider-man 3 could have been fixed.