Hints To a Catwoman Costume?

Since it was announced that Anne Hathaway had been cast as Selina Kyle in The Dark Knight Rises, the internet has been asking, “Okay, she’s been cast as Selina Kyle, but will she be Catwoman?” Well, Bleeding Cool‘s Brendon Connelly was able to ask Wally Pfister – Nolan’s cinematographer – a few questions about the beautiful Ms. Hathaway and may have been led to answer a few telling questions:

Talking of the screentests, Kevin asked:

“So, Wally you shot Anne’s screen test for Catwoman?”

To which he replied in the affirmative. That’s a yes to Kevin saying “Catwoman”, not “Selina Kyle”. Hmmm.

Pfister added, a little later:

“She looks phenomenal in the wardrobe.”

I couldn’t let that lie. Later, I came back to it and asked if this meant what it seems to mean:

“Brendon, I’d get fired and I wouldn’t even get to shoot the picture… I can’t really say, but I definitely want to be around next year…”

So, did Pfister let the cat out of the bag (PUN!)? In my opinion, this seems to be awfully telling that we may get to see Anne Hathaway suit up as Catwoman, but as with any of these cryptic interview answers we can never be too sure – especially with a Nolan film . . .

The Dark Knight Rises is slated for a Summer release next year and Chistopher Nolan has stated he plans to start shooting in about 12 weeks!

So what do you think? Is this at least semi-confirmation that we are indeed going to see Catwoman in Nolan’s third and final Batman installment? Sound off in the comments!