Havok Possibly Cast in ‘X-Men: First Class’, But Aaron Johnson May NOT Be Cyclops?

Arse-bot here again with even more X-Men: First Class casting news/rumors!

As of yesterday, it looks like there are some pretty strong sources saying Aaron Johnson will be playing Cyclops, Caleb Landry Jones will be fillilng Banshee’s shoes, and Nicholas Hoult will be playing Beast.

Now, another name you can add to that list? Lucas Till (pictured above) may be playing Cyclops’ brother, Havok. Entertainment Weekly is reporting that the Hannah Montana: The Movie co-star could possibly be filling the role of Scott Summers’ sibling. BUT! They are quick to point out the following:

. . .keep in mind that these parts may not be the actual characters in the movie. Instead, this could be part of a misdirection campaign to keep some surprises from X-Men fans.

On top of all this crazy casting news from the past few days, EW throws one more wrench into the gears with this little tidbit:

. . . Aaron Johnson is not appearing in X-Men: First Class. The British star of Kick-Ass may have been photographed leaving a building with Vaughn and McAvoy, but he will not be playing any type of superhero, or any other part for that matter, in the new film.

Which blatently contradicts AICN’s “source” claiming that the role has all but been announced by FOX!


I think the easy and shortest answer is “no one outside of the studio knows”. The fact is, until something is officially announced by FOX, these should all be filed under the “rumor” to “strong-probability-but-still-a-rumor” categories. That being said, sometimes the fun of these upcoming movies – especially ones like X-Men with an ensemble cast – is seeing all the speculations and rumors of who might play who, and then seeing the final decision. So, sit back, enjoy the ride, and we will keep bringing you all the rumors and speculations, and eventually the final confirmations from the studios!