FIRST LOOK: Sonic Universe #27

I’ll be honest with you, I used to read the Sonic comic, but it got very convoluted. I am excited for the upcoming reboot, but until then, we have the upcoming Sonic Universe #27! While I may not be aware of the book’s continuity or anything like that, I am a sucker for alternate universes! Take a look for yourself, and if you like what you see, pick it up at you local shop next Wednesday!

“Fractured Mirror” Part Three: Silver joins an all-new, all-different band of Freedom Fighters in all-out war against Enerjak and his sinister Prelate minions! It’s a no-holds-barred battle in this dark version of reality, and everyone may not make it to the end!
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn
ARTIST: Tracy Yardley!, Jim Amash, Phil Felix, Ray Dillon
COVER: Tracy Yardley! & Ben Hunzeker
Shipping Date: 4/6/2011
On Sale at Comic Shops: 4/13/2011
Comic, 32 pages, 40 lb. glossy stock, Full-Color
$2.99 US