The FOX series “Gotham” continues to release savory tidbits for fans with the official character image of Harvey Bullock. Donal Logue plays the hard-nosed Detective Harvey Bullock in the upcoming TV show originating out of “Detective Comics” and the “Batman” Comic books from DC Comics. When it airs “Gotham” will be the third active television series for DC Comics parent company Warner Bros. joining “Arrow” and The Flash. The Flash series is also currently filming a pilot episode. “Gotham” is a series that is going to tell the story of the early years of the GCPD (Gotham City Police Department) and will focus on characters Jim Gordon and his mentor Harvey Bullock.
We’ve had our first look at Jim Gordon and Oswald Cobblepot (AKA the Penguin) and below is the first look at Harvey bullock. Warner Bros. stated in their official announcement that the first character looks don’t stop with Bullock. To keep up to date come back to Big Shiny Robot or join the “Gotham” social media pages on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Tumblr.