EDITORIAL: With One Magic Word… Captain Marvel is Cursed!

So, thanks to Newsarama, we’ve finally got some information on the New-52 version of Captain Marvel. Being a dyed-in-the-wool Cap fan, I am of two minds about this. Of course, I am happy to see my favorite character return to the comics page. On the other hand, the information that has leaked out makes me wonder if Captain Marvel even has a place in the DCU post the recent relaunch.

I’m getting a bit ahead of myself. While we’ve known that some version of Captain Marvel would be appearing in a Justice League backup entitled “The Curse of Shazam”. I was hopeful that this would be a great way to invigorate the franchise, given how ruined it became during the tail end of the old DC Universe. Then I read the article. I hate to say this, because it sounds fanboy-ish and whiny, but Geoff Johns does not “get” Captain Marvel.

First off, the character will now no longer be known as Captain Marvel. In an attempt to be able to brand the character better, he’ll be actually known as Shazam. Previously, this was the name of the wizard who gave young Billy Batson the power to transform into Cap by invoking his (the wizard’s) name. The justification for the change is twofold. First Johns says it’s because everyone calls him Shazam anyway. That may have been true in the 70’s when Cap was on TV and the shows had to be called Shazam. Nowadays though, Cap is relegated to guest appearances on shows like Justice League Unlimited and Batman: The Brave and the Bold. On said shows, he’s always referred to as “Captain Marvel”, because hey, that’s his freaking name. The other reason for the change is now DC can actually use the character’s new name on covers and cross media. Because Marvel Comics copyrighted the name “Captain Marvel” during the original’s time in comics limbo, DC could not use that name on a cover, toys, DVDs, or other media, so in that case it does make a certain sense, except…

Uh, good luck with that trademark, DC.

The second reason that this seems like a bad idea is John’s own treatment of the character. I’m again of two minds on this subject. Johns has written Captain Marvel and his family well. He’s also made Black Adam a fine anti-hero. On the other hand, from he Newsarama article, this is in Johns’ own words what makes Billy Batson tick.

Well, the core of the character, obviously, is surrogate family. I mean, it’s easy. That’s what he’s all about. The same with wish fulfillment. And tied into his wish fulfillment, even if he won’t admit it, is a surrogate family.

But it’s making the best of every situation you’re in. I think it’s something that’s at the core. That’s what Billy Batson, that’s what Shazam really allows him to do, is you’ve got to make the best of the situation that you’re in.

The second part of that, I have no problem with. I would be happy to read Captain Marvel stories where Billy uses his wits to get the best of the bad guys or whatever. That first bit however, kind of irks me. Sure, Captain Marvel has a sort of an extended family with Mary Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr. Uncle Dudley and the like. Mary is his actual sister though, and in many stories,  Billy is adopted by her foster family. Couple that with the fact that even character Johns seems to reboot has to have some sort of tragedy to define him or her, It just doesn’t hold water for me.

Sometimes, I think the only hope Captain Marvel has for the future is for passionate fans to take the reins of the character. Gail Simone has expressed interest in the past, and while that’s be kind of cool to see, I think no one has a better handle on the Marvel Family that Nate Cosby and Evan “Doc” Shaner. This tumblr post from last year makes the point more succinctly than I ever could.

I would buy a book with this team 5 times a month.

“The Curse of Shazam” is set to debut in Justice League #7. I am going to buy it with as open a mind as I can, and I suggest you do as well, but I am never going to get used to calling him ‘Shazam’.