FREE: Lost at the Con

Swank-mo-tron here.

I’m pretty sure most of you realize I’d written a book. I’m happy to announce that for the rest of the day, Lost at the Con will be free to download for your Kindle on Amazon.Com.

Lost at the Con tells the tale of a drunken political journalist and his dangerous assignment to a sci-fi/fantasy convention. It’s a blend of fictional Gonzo journalism and geek culture in a way I know you’ll all like. Huffington Post called it required reading for geeks.

If you’d like a signed copy in print, you can pick one up off of my writing website.

While we’re talking, I want to let you guys know about a couple of other writing projects I have out there that might be of interest to readers of Big Shiny Robot! (in case you hadn’t already heard).

My newest book, God Bless You, Mr. Vonnegut, is now out digitally and the print copies are shipping February 15th.

Kurt Vonnegut is an inspiration to me and, I think, most geeks who read books. This book is a collection of short stories, essays, and pieces I wrote for The Huffington Post that are about or directly inspired by Vonnegut. It has a dash of everything and I hope you guys check it out.

The next piece is for the film geeks. As some of you may know, I make movies and video for a living and I’ve started putting together the stories of my early days in film and all the lessons I’ve learned.

This first part tells the true story of the first film I made (along with Clang! Boom! Steam!). It was a sci-fi film called Missy, and to make it we built a spaceship in my mom’s back yard.

You can check it out digitally on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. (Once the whole series is complete, it will be collected and made available in print.)

I hope you guys can forgive so crass and commercial a post, but I really think you’ll like this stuff.

(And, if you feel so inclined, I would love for you to like my facebook page…)