Dr. Cyborg’s: Superiority Complex!!!


I haven’t been reading comic books lately, and I have to say, I think “Siege” is the biggest reason why… It was a book that pretty much took over half the Marvel universe, but only managed to keep one four part book interesting. And the hugest thing that came from Siege was the fact that it reunited the Avengers. Which is arguably pretty cool… But then Marvel had to turn the Avengers into a blatant money making vehicle  for themselves… (The Avengers, Avengers Prime, New Avengers, Secret Avengers, Avengers Academy. Not to mention, Avengers the Origin, Avengers Spotlight, Ultimate Avengers 2, New Ultimates… And there are more!)

When did George Lucas take over Marvel? – Slugtron


On top of all of this financial nonsense, they’ve got all of their writers writing ten books at a time… I mean, I used to think Bendis was okay… but there is a major discrepancy in his books… For example, I thought Siege was awesome, but I tried reading an issue of Ultimate: Enemy, and it was completely uninspired and boring… I think this is simply because he writes too many books. This isn’t my only beef with Bendis, but I’ll leave it there for now… Basically what I’m saying is, putting out a hundred of the same book, and then putting it all in the hands of only a few writers, is a bad idea. It’s probably a sound financial move, but it really makes me not want to buy Marvel  books at all… And since I’ve pretty much stopped reading DC books since Batman R.I.P., I just don’t have that many comic books to read anymore… And the final straw— in the midst of these unfortunate transitions, most of the comic community has adapted to a price hike, paying $3.99 for every main stream book.

Steve Wiebe would roll over in his grave if he saw what Marvel was trying to pull. – Slugtron

I still pick up a few titles, (Rasl, Usagi Yojimbo, Walking Dead, Invincible, and a few others.) But I’ve essentially stopped caring about all the monthly books. As a Robot doctor lawyer with a great ass, I’ve been able to maintain some semblance of a regular life without the majesty of reading stories where the protagonist is either a man with an unearthly masculine jaw, or else an unrealistic woman with huge boobs and an I.Q. but I think the comic book companies should be the ones adapting to what we want, not the other way around.

How do we remedy this comic book apocalypse? My fellow robots would tell you to just enjoy the ride… but I disagree. I’ve decided to list some solutions to this problem.

1. Stop buying over priced books!… Spending four dollars an issue turns out to be a ridiculous price to pay for a comic book… I hope I didn’t just blow your mind… Get the graphic novels instead… I’ve never had to pay full price for a graphic novel, and neither should you… If people stop buying individual issues, maybe they’ll return to a reasonable price? (I’m probably wrong in this case because the people that make the decisions at Marvel are such fucks they would probably just raise the price again. But then you wouldn’t be buying them anyway! Win, win.)

2. Don’t support Bad books… Stop buying all these kitschy titles, how many fucking Avengers books do we need? These companies are putting out such shitty material, and you’re still buying it… This is unacceptable… Every single one of us needs to get mad. If you see another issue of Marvel Zombies on the shelf, tear it to shreds! You’ve got to get mad!

3. Final reason, and probably the most important. Never read another comic book written by Brian Micheal Bendis ever again! He is the new Judd Winick… which means Kirkman gets his regular position back!


In Brian Michael Bendis’ defense, he’s only as stupid as he looks. -Slugtron

In closing, I was inspired to write this post after reading a comic book that Robert Kirkman wrote… Destroyer…I suggest buying it and not just taking my word for it, but it was a cool looking book, (Art by Cory Walker) and it had an awesome and original story… It’s what we should expect out of our comic books! Lets stop settling for less!
