Dr. Cyborg’s Comic Colonoscopy! Volume 2!


Batman Confidential #40

Written and illustrated by Sam Keith, (Creator of The Maxx) this is definitely worth getting just to look at. The story doesn’t seem bad, but it doesn’t seem to stand out either. I really like where his art style is going in this book. Most of the panels make me want to frame them, and hang them on my wall. While I don’t think I was completely pulled in by the story yet, I think it has potential, and I’m really interested to see where it goes in the next few issues. The best part about this run is that it is more like a Sam Keith Elseworlds, so you can jump on board whether you are reading any other Batman comic or not. Viva Batman Confidential #40!

Overview: A fine looking ass-hole by anyone’s standards, the only problem is the location. Usually I like to see my ass-holes dead center of the buttock, while this one hangs to the far right. I’m just glad I’m not the one pooping out the side of my ass.

Prognosis: One beautiful ass colon!


Batgirl #1-6

I’ve always been a fan of both Batgirl, and Stephanie Brown (The Spoiler), and so this seemed like an obvious addition to my hold, (Because the Spoiler is currently Batgirl) although I even began with mixed feelings. For starters, who the hell is Bryan Q. Miller?  And why does he think he’s good enough to write such a book. I don’t trust most of DC’s all-star writers to write these characters, let alone this ass-hole. Although I gave him some six issue leeway to see if he could impress me, and at the end of the third issue it took a turn from “Whatever” to “I don’t like you very much,” when he had Oracle give Stephanie Brown a really stupid looking costume.

If ass-holes had brains, this one still wouldn’t have one! -Slugtron

Honestly the comic did get a little better after she switched costumes because she began interacting with Dick, and Damian, but all at the price of seeing her in this new ridiculous costume. Basically I feel like the book is bitter sweet at best, but leaning more towards the sex with an in-law side of bitter sweet. It basically feels like a bad episode of L.A. Law.

Overview: To get to the problem with this ass-hole I had to examine its shit. Now, if you know me, you’d know I don’t like examining shit. I don’t even like saying the word. My business is ass-holes, and I’ve got to tell you brother, business is booming!

Prognosis: I don’t even know if I’m looking at a bonafide ass-hole.


Last up, Fables # 92

This is the first of a two part series called “Out to the Ball Game.” Let me start off by saying, I’m glad they aren’t wasting Mark Buckingham on this run. It’s not horrible, it’s just a clear deviation from what I want to read about. This issue takes place in Flycatchers Kingdom, where Goblins and recently deceased fables live in harmony under his rule. In fact the issue starts with a parody of Casey at the Bat, where Goblins are the opposing baseball team, and Weyland Smith is Casey playing for humanoid fables. The Goblin Pitcher ends up getting drunk and killing a fable in his drunk stupor, and the next issue is going to be his trial. There I said it! I gave everything away! So now there’s no need to read the issue at all. Honestly other than the Great Fables Crossover, this seems to be the lamest deviation to date. I don’t mind these when they’re added into the trades, but I hate to see them monthly.

Overview: This is an old ass-hole that’s been pooping quite some time, and I imagine it’s going to continue to poop for quite a while longer. I would now like to conjecture what this creatures mouth has been eating lately. Card board, very high fiber, hurts coming out, stinks like a prostitute, leaves a handsome rash for a few days.

Prognosis: A strong enduring colon. Recommending a return visit to the ol’ass doctor soon.