Doctor Who to Board the Enterprise in Comics Crossover!

The sci-fi series I lovedgrowing up, and the sci-fi series I am currently loving are finally meeting! Could this be awesome, or will it be more akin to that awkward moment when a current girlfriend/boyfriend meets the ex? (Relationship humor? Check. This officially counts as my Valentine’s Day-themed post for the day.)

IDW has announced that this May, The Doctor will be joining forces with the crew of the Enterprise to battle the combined threat of the Borg and the Cybermen in an 8-issue mini-series called Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation2, written by Scott and David Tipton and Tony Lee with artwork by JK Woodward.

While cross-overs such as this always come with cautious optimism, I think the creators are off to a good start by selecting a nemesis from each universe that are quite similar. Both the Borg and the Cybermen are all about assimilating beings into their collective, so their goals are pretty aligned. Maybe we will even see some sort of Borg/Cybermen hybrid? Generally I steer clear of cross-overs (I’m looking at you Star Trek/X-Men!), but I can’t resist at least giving this one a shot being that both of these sci-fi properties are easily among my most beloved. However, I’ll definitely be picking this series up with a reasonable level of expectation.

What do you think? Does the idea of Captain Picard and The Doctor teaming up to battle the Cybermen and Borg sound appealing to you? Or will this crash and burn like the Enterprise in Star Trek: Generations? Sound off in the comments below!