DC Comics Shows Off 11 New #1 Titles!

After DC’s epic announcement last Tuesday, speculation is running hot and heavy on what these 52 new #1 issues are going to be. We don’t know them all yet, but DC has just released a few details on eleven of them! I am pleasantly surprised to say I am excited for every single one of these, and come September, my wallet is going to feel the pinch. The news originates from DC’s own Source blog. Check them out, and I’ll share my thoughts after each one.

The Flash #1: Francis Manapul & Brian Buccellato

This is pretty cool. Francis Manapual is a fantastic artist, and he gets to debut his writing style on a character he’s truly familiar with. It’s interesting that Geoff Johns isn’t writing the Flash, but I am going to check this out regardless.

Green Arrow #1: JT Krul & Dan Jurgens

To be completely honest, this is probably the book I’m looking forward to the least. Nothing against JT Krul, but his Green Arrow just doesn’t do it for me, and I’m not sure if a reboot is going to change that.

The Fury of Firestorm #1: Gail Simone & Ethan Van Sciver

By contrast, this is the book I am most excited for. I am not a huge fan of Van Sciver, but Gail Simone is one of my favorite writers, and I will admit that the cover has my interest piqued. Are both Ronnie Raymond and Jason Rusch a Firestorm that can then fused into a singular hero? I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

Justice League #1: Geoff Johns & Jim Lee

This is the one we’ve known about since the big announcement. I’m sure it’ll be great and all. I like my Justice League to have the heavy hitters in it. It’s very interesting that this is the leadoff book, though. Is it significant story-wise, or is it simply a way to show off the new status quo? Either way, it’s on my radar.

Wonder Woman #1: Brian Azzarello & Cliff Chiang

Wonder Woman has had a rough time as of late, what with costume controversies and failed TV pilots. A fresh start for her can’t be anything but helpful. Getting Azzarello and Chang to do it though? Brilliant.

Aquaman #1: Geoff Johns & Ivan Reis

Speaking of characters who’ve had a rough time, Aquaman is way up there. With Johns writing him, I think he has a fair shake this time out. While I don’t think he’ll ever stop being the butt of jokes, I am definitely going to give this a shot. If Johns gives Aquaman the catchphrase of “Outrageous!” from the Brave and the Bold cartoon, all the better.

Justice League International #1: Dan Jurgens and Aaron Lopresti

This is another highly anticipated book for me. Justice League: Generation Lost proved that you can put these characters together, tell a good story, and not make them the laughing stocks of the DCU. I’m hoping this book continues that trend, but I’m wondering why Blue Beetle isn’t with this group (Maybe a new solo book, please oh please?).

Mister Terrific #1: Eric Wallace & Roger Robinson

Now this is a surprise! I never in a million years would have thought that DC would give Mr. Terrific his own series. I love this character, and I am happy DC is giving him a shot at a solo series. I’m not terribly familar with the creative team, but that’s not a detriment to me picking up the book.

The Savage Hawkman #1: Tony Daniel & Philip Tan

This one is interesting, but I’m not sure if it’s in the “Wow, this could be cool!” way or the “Oh man, check out the train wreck!” way. I’ve never been a huge Hawkman fan, but I like what has been done with the character recently, I hope this version stays true to that.

Captain Atom #1: JT Krul & Freddie Williams II

Captain Atom is another character I’ve never really been in to, but his characterization in Justice League: Generation Lost was pretty great. He was always wondering if he even has the right to call himself human any more. It seems this new series is taking that concept and running with it. Color me curious.

DC Universe Presents #1: Paul Jenkins & Bernard Chang

Finally, we have DC’s newest attempt at an anthology title. Anthologies can be amazing when done well, but most of the time, they aren’t. I have high hopes for this one. Aside from Deadman there, who knows which characters will show up, but I’m sure it’ll be a wild ride.

And there you have it, a taste of what’s in store from DC in September. I like them. It goes to show that DC is taking this line-wide relaunch very seriously, and they seem to have the talent to back it up. What say you, fellow roboteers?