UPDATED: DC Announces “Brightest Day”

 brightest dayAlex Segura and Dan Didio via the DC Blog announced details about the major DCU followup to Blackest Night this morning.

It will be a 26 issue, bi-weekly affair called “Brightest Day.”

You can read their conversation here:

Alex Segura: OK Dan, I got your call, I’m here. It’s pretty early, even for us. This is a first for THE SOURCE – a live interview with you on the blog. Very exciting. What’s got you so jazzed up?

Dan DiDio: I’ll just get right to the point, Alex – we’re ready to announce everything that’s coming up after BLACKEST NIGHT.

AS: Wow, really? I’m glad I brought my notebook.

DD: And I’m happy to announce that for the DCU, after the BLACKEST NIGHT will come a BRIGHTEST DAY this April. A biweekly, 26-issue series, kicking off with BRIGHTEST DAY #0.

AS: BRIGHTEST DAY – that’s major. Who’s steering the ship creatively, though?

DD: As you can imagine, we’re really excited by the great work the teams behind GREEN LANTERN and GREEN LANTERN CORPS have brought to our fans every month. And, we just don’t want to let go of that just yet. So BRIGHTEST DAY will be written by Geoff Johns and Peter Tomasi.


DD: Correct.

AS: Can you say anything about the artists on the book? I’d imagine, since it’s a biweekly book, you’d need more than one.

DD: Sorry to wake you and not give you all the answers at once, but we have to save a few for later. We have a number of wonderful artists slated to contribute to the book, which we’ll be announcing soon. We can say that Fernando Pasarin will be handling the art on BRIGHTEST DAY #0.

AS: Sounds good. And we’ll have more BRIGHTEST DAY news for you faithful readers in, oh, about two hours. In the meantime, can I go grab a cup of coffee?

DD: Sure.

I’ll add updates to this post as they become available.  But I want to say, what I’ve been able to catch of Blackest Night, I’ve enjoyed quite a bit and look forward to this.



(Full Size Image here)

AS: In meetings I’ve heard BRIGHTEST DAY referred to, offhand, as DCU: REBIRTH. Being the sleuth I am, this leads me to believe it’s more than just a concentrated series, right?

DD: Definitely. BRIGHTEST DAY isn’t just a single book. Like BLACKEST NIGHT, it’s an event that happens across the entire DC Universe, affecting a number of titles.

Following BRIGHTEST DAY #0, we’ll be bannering a number of new and ongoing series with BRIGHTEST DAY, which will let readers know these books are key to the entire BD story.

AS: Keeping my detective hat on, since Geoff is writing BRIGHTEST DAY and we announced he’d be writing a new FLASH ongoing coming right around the same time…

DD: Correct. We’ll be launching the new FLASH ongoing series, by Geoff and Francis Manapul in April with a BRIGHTEST DAY banner, and there will be several more titles utilizing it come May and June.

With this book, Geoff and Francis are really bringing Barry Allen back into the spotlight and cementing him as the premiere Flash in the DCU in his own monthly. It’s no secret that I’ve been waiting a long time to se this. I’ve always been a huge Barry fan, and I can say that Geoff and Francis are reinvigorating him as a character in much the same way Geoff did with Hal Jordan. Should be fun.

AS: You mentioned other titles?

DD: Yup.

AS: Alright Source readers, swing back in an hour for more BRIGHTEST DAY news. It’s a busy Monday!

UPDATE 2: Directly under the Brightest Day Banner, DC will be launching a new Titan’s title.  Taking a page from Marvel (Osborn over the Thunderbolts and Avengers), Deathstroke will be leading the team.


AS: One of the titles that a lot of people have been asking about of late is TITANS. I know that we have a new creative team hitting soon. What can you tell us about that?

DD: TITANS is another series that will fall directly under BRIGHTEST DAY, with Eric Wallace and Fabrizio Fiorentino coming on board, starting with the TITANS: VILLAINS FOR HIRE SPECIAL and then the regular series. We loved the work the two of them did on INK, so we’re excited to see them build a new team of Titans, under the leadership of none other than Deathstroke, the Terminator.

Who the members are and how they affect the original Titans is a major part of the DCU’s story for 2010.

AS: Come on, Dan. You woke me up at 6 a.m. for this. Can you drop a few clues as to the roster?

DD: Don’t see why not. Seeing as how the creative team is coming off a great mini-series like INK, it’s not a surprise that the Tattooed Man will be a member of Deathstroke’s Titans team.

AS: One more?

DD: Well, it wouldn’t be much of a Deathstroke team if there wasn’t a femme fatale in the mix, and we’ve definitely got one – with ties to the original Titans, to boot – in Cheshire. We’ll save the full roster for a later date.

AS: Fair enough. Readers, I’m starving, so I’m going to grab a quick lunch, but come back to The Source in about an hour for another bit of BRIGHTEST DAY news.