CyberNev Sundays:Best and Worst Moments for Comics in 2009

…from a geeky fangirl’s point of veiw!

The Holidays end, and time for my second, count it, second Sunday column.

I considered spending this one gasping over how I actually LIKED the last Teen Titans issue (except for the art, which was terrible), but that would read too much like a review.

So, I figured people always do the best and worst comics of the year, when the year ends. Since my idea of best comics would be limited and strange, I decided I’d do the best moments. Why not? I like lists.


*The Dark Knight came out and broke box office records. Heath Ledger’s performance as Joker wowed most of us, making up for Christian Bale’s over-growly Batman voice.

*Iron Man came out and proved that superhero movies could be a heck of a lot of fun.

*Hulk was pretty good too, while we’re on that.

*Stephen Colbert gets to be in a comic book. What? I’m sure it was a great moment for him!

*Everyone likes All Star Superman. Well, probably not everyone, but from what I’ve seen mostly everyone. I read it, it was pretty good.

*Stephanie Brown is revealed not dead, undoing what many considered to be a really gratuitous waste of character and pointless shock death. Even if you don’t like her, she was my favorite and it made my comic book year to see her back so nyeeeeah. She also resumes regular appearances in DC Comic books, making it even better.

* Wonder Woman continues to be written by Gail Simone, making the Wondy title not suck for the first time since it’s relaunch. A new “event” is even spearheaded, and it looks to be fixing the atrocious Amazons Attack. Gail also fights for Diana to gain better villians and more prominence in the DCU.

*The Supergirl title goes through an amazing transformation where it’s actually readable. Then, impossibly, amazingly it becomes plain good! And the character becomes likable! Also is she is no longer drawn like Paris Hilton on crack and her skirt is bigger than a belt. With shorts underneath it even! Miracles do happen.

*Speaking of which, the Superman titles in general are written well, and the new Krypton crossover is engaging.

*Another miracle, Peter Tomasi makes Nightwing not suck.

*JLA stops sucking too. If only they could get Ed Benes off art, I mean, COME ON.

*Secret Six comes out, and is a well written, entertaining new series with fabulous art by Nicola Scott.

*The New Frontier DTV comes out. I love New Frontier so this was cool. Also the one shot comic that came out with it, I loved it. Batman: Gotham Knight wasn’t bad either.

*DC’s new All Ages stuff is actually good. I’m not a huge fan of Tiny Titans, but I have to admit it’s cute, and sells well. And I absolutely adore the new Supergirl mini.

Stuff I have heard is good and vaguely confirmed is good but haven’t read in depth.

*The Incredible Hercules seems to rock.

*And everyone liked Umbrella Academy. I actually…didn’t. *ducks* But I’m including it here because so many people do.

*The Milestone characters are introduced to the DCU, which seems neat.

*Everyone’s still happy with Fables. I kind of stopped reading after the tenth trade, but you know. I’ll read the next trade when I find it. I liked it, though the quality seemed to drop a bit after Boy Blue came back from his excellent adventure.

As for Batman RIP and the Crises/Invasions and all that, they’re not really my thing, and so I can’t judge if they’re good or not. Reaction seems mixed.

So…onto the…


*Countdown…just… Countdown.

*And as a subset of that, what’s happening to Mary Marvel makes me want to tear my hair out.

*The whole Death of the New Gods fiasco.

*Catwoman and the All New Atom are canceled.

*The Justice League Unlimited and Teen Titans Go! titles are canceled.

*Blue Beetle, Robin, Manhunter, Birds of Prey, and Nightwing are all announced for cancellation. Seriously, DC. Getting a little frisky with the red pen, aren’t we?

*The Amazing Spider-Girl and She Hulk are canceled. I know it’s probably not the case, but it’s hard not to suspect the Big Two have a vendetta against minority and female super titles, at this rate. Though sales figures and crossover craziness seem to be the real cause. Still, a shame.

*Y:The Last Man ends. A fond farewell, we bid.

*People die for shock and stuff in both Marvel and DC. For example: Oh, Marvin, we hardly knew ye. No, really, we didn’t.

*Runaways gets not as good.

*Birds of Prey gets not as good.

*Teen Titans gets so bad I have to drop it. Though the last issue gave me hope, when I was forced to pick it up.

*Titans comes out and redefines SUCK.

*Pretty much anything Judd Winick wrote actually.

*The Batgirl mini is handed over to Adam Beechen, the man who has proven time and time he can’t write the character. As expected, it’s terrible. And DC blames the fans for the low sales. The logic, it hurts us.

Sooo, there we go. I expect many will disagree and say I missed things, but this is my list, and this weeks column. Good wishes for the New Year, all!