CyberNev discusses Batman and her general despair mingled with excitement

Batman! Badassery in human form! The Caped Crusader! The Dark Knight! The Hammer of Justice! Rich White Male!

There are some general facts about Batman nearly everyone agrees on:

*He Has Issues. A Lot Of Issues.

*He is cool.

*Don’t become his sidekick unless you want your life to be complete misery!

*The DCAU version is the best.

*In the comics, he is a dick most of the time.

I also happen to think he has the best supporting cast and rogues gallery ever, and they are all much more entertaining than him. It’s really his universe that is great about the character. I mean, remember that BTAS episode “The Trial” where all those villians got together to try Batman and the Joker was the judge and all that?

I just looked at all those villians, their interactions and antics and said “Whoa. Every single villian there is quirky, unique and formiddable. And there’s tons of stuff to draw on. Batman has the most amazing rogues gallery in comics. Or maybe ever, in the history of the world.”

I’ll admit to liking Bats supporting cast much better than the man himself. Alfred, is of course, God, and then there’s Comissioner Gordon, Robin, Nightwing, Batgirl, Oracle, Spoiler, Huntress, Catwoman…someone for everyone to like in that mix.

And hey, he has some of the most AWESOME female characters ever in there. I love every single one of them (except maybe Batwoman, mostly because we know nothing about her). Too bad they are all turned evil, treated like crap, killed and shunted aside frequently. (In fact, Cass, Babs and Steph are often left out of the warmnfuzzy “Look, we’re the Batfamily Boys!” moments.)  But the guys don’t fare too well sometimes either, and when those girls are on, they are ON.

Batman’s kind of dead right now. Oh wait, no he isn’t he’s been hitten by the Omega Sanction and is living a thousand crappy lives? Or he’s a CaveBat? Or…

Well, never mind, what’s to come looks fun. I’m not sure it’s WISE from a business perspective. Comics are so not user friendly at this point. And taking Bats and Supes out of their titles is only reinforcing that.

But I’m not so broken up over Robin being canceled anymore (still sad about Birds of Prey), considering how much the last issue sucked, so I am DOWN for Battle for the Cowl and all the craziness to come.

Unless, as the humongous pile of evidence suggests, they make Barbara Gordon Batgirl again. That would be the most idiotic thing ever in the history of comics.

If they kill Cass to do this, I am dropping all my comics because there would be no point in trying to keep up anymore. Thus, I have more time AND money!

The point here is, I think Batman is a humongous priveliged jerk who needs to get over himself. He is also awesome and has the best universe ever. The current direction seems unwise, but fun. We all know Bruce will be back soon, anyway. So carry on, Crazy Bat! You’re vengeance, you’re the night, but you’re mostly Batman.