Convention Sketches #24

It’s time for this week’s issue of Convention Sketches.

We all go to cons and we all occasionally pick up those dainty little sketches comic creators dash out in notebooks or cards or what have you.

Every week we feature a convention sketch sent in from readers or from our own collections. We’d love to see more of yours though: if you have a sketch you’d like to see featured on the site, please email it to editor (at)

This week, we have one from my daughter’s personal collection. Yesterday, we went to Tom Hodges‘ signing at Dr. Volts in Salt Lake City where he was selling books (like the Star Wars: Tales from The Clone Wars webcomic collection that I can’t seem to find online anywhere.

My daughter asked for a sketch of Jar Jar Binks and Tom obliged happily, drawing the much beloved (by children) Gungan without reference.